Home Why I Decided To Resume Blogging @ 40

Why I Decided To Resume Blogging @ 40

Yes, I’m 40+. No, this is not a mid-life crisis.

I used to blog about stuff about 15 years ago, when I was a totally different person. Then after a few years, I stopped. Then I even removed my blog. I changed.

Like every other person, I have had many personal experiences in life that have taught me many lessons, and almost all of them the hard way, i.e., the test first and the lesson afterwards. My life so far has been a series of clichés and in several ways I’ve failed hopelessly. And I never thought I’d have the audacity to resume my blog again, because in my mind, I wasn’t worth writing something that deserved to be read by another person.

But then 5 years ago, my life changed, and how! My son was born. I was reborn. He started teaching me more things about life and myself that I never thought I could learn. All my suffering suddenly found a meaning. I want to endure because I want to give my son my best.

They say that when an elderly person dies, it is as if a library is burned down. I don’t want the best lessons I’ve learned to die with me. I want to keep this log of my thoughts, my experiences, my mistakes and blessings for my son to read one day, and know that everything that I am today, for whatever it is worth, I owe it to him. I want to share all of this with my son (and the wonderful strangers of the internet). The very thought that one day my son has the option to know more about me through this blog feels very cathartic.

So there, that’s the jist of it. I hope my reasons for resuming the blog are valid enough for life and the higher forms of it to allow the blog be.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.



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